How to Submit Assignments using PuTTY on Windows
Go to
Click “Download PuTTY”
In the “Package files” section, download the .msi file next to “64-bit x86”
Wait for the .exe to download, then run it
Click “Next”
Click “Next”
Make sure “Put install directory on the PATH for command prompts” is selected, then click “Install”
Click “Allow” if it asks to make changes on your device
Click “Finish”
Go to where it was installed and run putty.exe (or click the desktop icon if you chose that option) AND run pscsp.exe
Copying the assignment over
Before turning in, you must copy your file to the remote server
To do this, click on the Windows search bar and find “Command Prompt”. Open it
Make sure the file you wish to transfer over is on your desktop
Type “pscp “C:\Users\user\Desktop\file.extension””
In the above command, “user” should be your Windows user file name, “file.extension” should be the file you wish to turn in, and “username” should be your school Linux username (first 2 letters of your first name, followed by the first 6 letters of your last name is the usual student user name)
You might have a different user name depending on the length and popularity of your names. You should have gotten an email with your user name and password for your account. If you did not receive one, ask your instructor for assistance
For your password, type your student ID followed by the first letter of your last name, capitalized (ex. 1234567A), then press enter. You will not see your password as you type it – this is intended
The file should be successfully transferred over. Now go back to the putty.exe program that opened
Turning the assignment in
In “Host Name (or IP address)”, enter “” and click “Open”
Click “Accept”
Type your user name
Type your password
You should now be connected to grail. Type "ls” to check if your file was properly copied over
Type the turnin command that your instructor has told you to use. If you are unsure of this command, ask your instructor
You should see a line in the terminal saying “Your files have been submitted to ‘class, homework’ for grading” indicating a successful turnin