This book is written for less experienced Computer Science students who are interested in learning more about tools that are commonly used in the industry. And, among those commonly used tools, two stand out because of the sheer scale of their adoption: Linux and git.
Because of their adoption, essentially ever developer (unless they are working on a legacy code base) will use these technologies on a daily basis. For this reason, and because knowledge of Linux is required for upper level classes at the Washkewicz College of Engineering at CSU (like C Programming and Operating Systems), we, the Computer Peer Teachers (CPTs), have decided to offer a short introductory workshop on both of these topics. This is the accompanying book for that workshop.
During this workshop, we seek to answer the following questions for Linux:
- What is Linux?
- What is a Linux distribution ("distro")?
- What is a Desktop Environment?
- Why should I care about Linux?
- How do you install popular Linux distros like Ubuntu, Debian, Mint, Fedora, and others?
- How to use the terminal
And for git:
- What is git?
- Why is it important? What are the use cases?
- How do you install git (on Windows, MasOS, and Linux)?
- How do you use git from the terminal?
- Git in VSCode